My desktop computer broke down! The power supply starting making this weird whirring noise. It's a 2003 HP media center and the power supply in it is specific to HP and they don't seem to carry that power supply in their parts store anymore. … [Continue reading]
Some shows not in rerun now
Well it looks like they are finally starting to play some shows on TV that aren't reruns! Yeah. Like I said in another post this year it seems that most of the TV shows are running new episodes for a few weeks and then going into a month of … [Continue reading]
Cold April
We had a better than average winter. It was actually fairly warm most of the winter, but this spring is cool. I can't say that it's rained all that much, but this first week of April has been very cold and kind of dark and gloomy looking. When is … [Continue reading]
April Fools!
So it's April fools day today. I'm sick. Stuck at home. I thought about playing a joke on one of my busier blogs, but I didn't end up doing it. I do have some good ideas though ... there's no rules about playing a late April Fools joke is … [Continue reading]
Only reruns on TV?
I really hate the television season this year. It seems that most of the television shows are on break except for a few new ones that have started up to fill the gaps. I don't really like the new shows and I'm sick to death of watching all of the … [Continue reading]