Wordless Wednesday
I love small cars but this one takes the cake. it’s got a face! Oh and if you look closely you’ll see that the seat covers also have faces – a mouse and a beaver i believe.
Isn’t it cute?
by Tricia
by Tricia
Several times a week I try to go around and visit a number of blogs.
I do this either by visiting bloggers sites who have left a comment for me on one of my own sites or I log into Entrecard and visit sites that way.
As I’ve traveled around visiting blogs I’ve noticed that there are a number of sites dedicated to cats or ones that have the occasional picture of a cat on it so I figure there are a lot of cat lovers out there.
I thought of all the people who love cats or who are animal lovers when I found this funny cat blooper video and I thought I’d share it with you.
Cat bloopers
What was your favorite part? I think mine was the cat and the bear!
by Tricia
by Tricia
Wordless Wednesday
I would love to have this shovel in my garden. Unfortunately it was just too expensive. Chris and I saw this fantastic shovel or lets say piece of metal artwork at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibit last summer. I wanted it soooo bad!
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by Tricia
What I’d really like to know is how on earth the cat got up there!
It’s resting on the mounted deer head and there doesn’t seem to be anything close by that the cat could have climbed to get up on top of the head.
So how did it get there? Did it climb ninja style along the ceiling beam?
What’s your thoughts?