“Watch your habits, for they become character.” It is important to watch our habits. It is also important to develop good habits. Developing good habits can give us better health, more time, and more fulfillment in our lives.
Here are 6 habits that can make a huge impact in your life:
1. Exercise
It is suggested that we get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Daily exercise is such a great habit to develop. It can help you relieve stress, give you time to think and brainstorm, give you more energy, etc. It also releases much needed endorphins into your body that can help you feel good all day long.
30 minutes a day is ideal, but start with whatever you have time for. Even taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a good start! On top of that, eat healthy and drink 8 glasses of water a day. Between these 3 things you should find yourself more energetic, healthier, and less stressed.
2. Get Up Early
It is important to get your sleep. So whenever you can fit that in is great. But it is even more beneficial to go to bed early and get up early. It has been said that an hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after midnight. So, the earlier you can get to bed the more impactful your sleeping time will be. On top of that, getting up early is a great habit. It’s good to get your day started early. The early bird catches the worm!
3. Set Goals
Setting goals is a great habit to develop. Goals help you have something to always be working towards. They help to give you more purpose in your day-to-day activities. They help give you the “why’s” behind what you’re doing. It is always good to have something to work towards. Set daily goals for yourself. What do you want to accomplish today? On top of that, set weekly, monthly, yearly, 5-year, and even lifetime goals. Check your goals often and track your progress. Reevaluate when needed.
4. Save Money
We could all use more money, right? Well instead of always waiting for that next big raise or job opportunity, take it into your own hands. It is recommended by many financial experts to save at least 10% of your income (and some experts recommend saving even more). Set up a budget, and make sure that budget includes at least 10% of your income going to savings. Then stick to your budget and savings plan. Put that money in a separate savings account and don’t touch it unless it’s an emergency or the goal you set the account up for. Whether you use those savings for retirement, a rainy day, or even a car or vacation, you will learn better self control, and experience more financial freedom if you can get in the habit of saving.
5. Say Thank You
Saying thank you is another wonderful habit to develop. Recognizing what others are doing for you, and looking for opportunities to express thanks, will help you develop a positive outlook. It will help you feel happier. And, as you say thank you to others, your newfound happiness and positivity will rub off on them. It will help everyone around you to have a happier attitude, and it will strengthen the relationships that you have with others.
6. Read
Growing in wisdom is something that we should all be doing as we move along in our lives. And reading is one of the best ways to do that. Reading can help us learn new things, develop creativity, expand our vocabulary, and create new skills for ourselves. But it doesn’t just have to just be education-centered books. Novels, biographies, even cookbooks or design books can help to expand our minds and our creativity. Whether it be daily, weekly, or even monthly, get in the habit of reading often.
Nicole is a content writer for Delray Recovery Center. Contact us for more info on our treatment options.