I am so tired today. I stayed up late last night and then I couldn’t get to sleep when I finally went to bed and I’m paying for it now. Yawn! Trouble is, I have a lot of work to get done today.
It doesn’t help that my phone keeps ringing and interrupting me from the work I’m doing on my computer. I’m seriously thinking of unplugging the phone. I have to get a few articles written, update some blogs, and do some behind the scenes work on a few of my sites. I’m not even going to include the housework that I need to get done because there’s no way I’m going to get to that today!
One of the phone calls that disrupted me was a friend calling me about a medical question. I guess he’s been trying to bulk up so he’s been drinking protein shakes and taking something called P6. I had to look that one up. He was wondering about p6 extreme side effects so I looked it up for him since I was in front of my computer – which I’m sure he knew I’d be and he felt a little better after our conversation. Personally I think he looks fine just the way he is and hope he doesn’t get cared away with these supplements etc.
Well, I’d better get back to work! Or have a nap … hmmm that sounds good.
It is now 1:00am and I cannot sleep! Thus I start looking for blog posts about other people who are tired…lol
I know what it feels like to stay up late working or doing something productive (like playing playstation) and then not being able to go to sleep.
The next day is always hell, but the next night I always sleep like a log. I don’t move or stir or even hear the kids get up.
Hope your sleeping habits have improved as of late. Mine still need some work