This seems to be a historic day in many ways. I was just watching the news and I realized that it’s the 30th anniversary of the signing of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – April, 17th, 1982. The Charter is still controversial even 30 years after it was created!
Then … there was a story about the Space Shuttle Discovery’s last trip. It flew on the back of an airplane as it was taken to Washington to be placed in the Smithsonian Museum. It’s hard to believe that there aren’t going to be any more Space Shuttles and that there doesn’t seem to be anything created to replace them as of yet. Well … maybe these galactic looking boots might do the trick? They’re called Alpinestars SMX 5 Boots and to me they look like they’d be perfect for space travel. LOL Yeah I’m just kidding but do take a look, they’re funky.
In my little world .. nothing historic going on here I’m afraid. I’m tired, I’m hungry and I have sore feet. Hmmm … what to do.
Well, that is really interesting fact you got there. Good for you that you still have time to watch the news for awhile. I have been very busy lately, and thinking of turning on the television can be a tiresome idea already.