My husband and I quite smoking in October 2010 – or at least I thought we had both quit. I know for sure that I haven’t had a cigarette for 18 months … but it seems that my husband started smoking again and he’s been trying to hide that fact from me.
Unfortunately for him (and pretty much everyone around me) I’m a super smeller – which means I can smell everything – fresh sweat, cigarette scent on your clothes or hair, bad breath from across the room, fruit rotting before it even looks bad and forget about putting a banana peel or apple core in the kitchen garbage because the stink is too much for me within a half hour or so. So .. how could my husband think that he could pull off starting to smoke again and get it past me without me noticing? He might as well be smoking a Cohiba in the same room as me some days.
Luckily none of the smoke smell is tempting me to start again. In fact it might be helping me to stay quit as it smells disgusting to me. I just wish my husband (soon to be EX) would stop lying to me. I mean, if he wants to ruin his health -fine – just don’t do it around me – and stop lying about all the other stuff that he’s lying about too while he’s at it.
I have never smoked but I know the struggle smokers have. I have known many smokers from college, family and co-workers. Your healthy obviously comes first.
I am also a “super smeller”, just like you, maybe because of my inherited asthma that made my sense of smell so sensitive. Luckily, there are no active smokers within our household, but I am having problems with my neighbors because they are smoking outside our house! Presently, they are not having their daily habit anymore because one of our neighbors acquired obstructive pulmonary disease, requiring them to have air tanks and air compressor parts in providing air to their sick family member.