I’ve been spending a lot of time over the last few months working on my photography. I’ve always been interested in photography, but last year I slacked off and didn’t take as many pictures and the ones that I did take I didn’t edit or use on my sites.
So this year I’ve made a major effort to both increase the amount of photos that I take when I go to events and to get them edited and uploaded to my computer quickly.
I’ve also been experimenting with cameras. I’ve been using both my Cannon Digital SLR and my new Nokia N8 12 megapixel camera. One camera that recently caught my eye was the digital casio. It’s 14 mp. I have to check it out more, but that sounds pretty good. Maybe it could be a travel camera.
Do you enjoy photography? Do you try to bring a camera with you where ever you go?
The canon I use is too bulky to take everywhere I go unfortunately. I do have a smaller point and shoot camera, but somehow it doesn’t feel like real photography. I tend instead to take long regular outings for the sole purpose of taking pictures…
Hi great article. I would always like to have my camera with me. There’s nothing worse than “I wish I had my camera” moment.