Sigh … It’s the weekend and you’d think that a person would be able to sleep in if they wanted to, wouldn’t you? Not around here … not if you’re me.
My neighbors toddler has been making a ton of noise next door since February. I don’t think I’ve had more than about three hours sleep a night since sometime in February. Believe me it’s really taking a toll on me. I mean, I have chronic pain and Crohn’s disease and no arthritis in my knee (who knows it might be Rheumatoid arthritis I still have to find out) so I should be getting a minimum of 8 hours sleep, not a scant three hours!
My problem, is that the kid starts crying or screaming at anywhere from 5 am to 6 am and then she bangs around the house next door (which is attached to our house as we live in a semi detached) yelling and thumping her feet all morning. Then, just when she’s going to go down for a nap at about 1 pm she often starts screaming at the top of her head and runs around their house slamming doors! Of course I can hear every scream and every word and feel all the vibrations from her running around and slamming the doors. It’s AWFUL! Everything that goes on in the morning is repeated throughout the day sometimes up until Midnight. This kids parents don’t even seem to have her on a regular bed time schedule.
We’ve talked to them about all the noise and they simply don’t seem to realize how noisy their kid is. Either that or they are totally deaf. They have tried to get her to be quieter, but in the last two weeks it’s gotten a lot noisier again. Now that the weather is nice I wish they’d just take their little girl out for a good portion of the day and tire her out. There’s a fantastic preschool playground that she could play in now that it’s summer time and I’d bet she’d sleep better at night if she burned off some energy.
Sigh … Maybe they’ll go for a two week vacation this summer and I’ll get some normal sleep while they’re gone. That might be the only way I’ll get some sleep if their little girl doesn’t stop making so much noise.
Not getting enough sleep? That really hurts work and personal life.
Glad I read this before making a decision on purchasing a semi-detached house. Bargain or not, it just is not worth it if I have to risk never sleeping again.