I’m so massively tired lately. I think I could sleep for a solid week if my body would let me.
I know it’s Saturday, but if I can, I think I’m going to try to go to bed early tonight. Generally I’m not an early to bed person no matter how tired I am. Even if I’m tired I just can’t go to sleep … but I’m going to try. I’ve got to, I’m exhausted.
At this rate, if I don’t start to get some good sleep or at least stop feeling so tired (because I am sleeping) I’m going to start to hunt down the best anti wrinkle cream because I’m sure I’ll start to look the way I feel and maybe even start to get wrinkles if this keeps up.
It’s been months since I didn’t feel exhausted. Something is going on.
I think that its best if you take some rest from your daily routine to keep you healthy for rest of your task.
I don’t think wrinkle cream will cure your tiredness (but it would be nice wouldn’t it?!). My problem is I love working online too much so I sacrifice sleep (the only spare time I have) to do work and build my sites.
I wish there was a magic cream (or pill) that could mean I didn’t have to sleep but I wouldn’t feel tired. I could get so much done.