I’m just waiting for my husband to get home from work and then we’re going out shopping.
I need to go to Costco tonight. I saw my family doctor yesterday for a regular appointment but while I was there I told her about how I’ve been so very very cold lately as well as extremely tired and she seems to think that I might have Seasonal Affective Disorder. I think it’s my thyroid acting up … especially since my symptoms totally fit hypothyroidism and only partially fit S.A.D. but the light might be worth getting to help fix my sleep cycle if nothing else.
Anyway .. while we’re out shopping I might take a look at the women’s apparel section of the store … or perhaps talk my husband into going to another nearby store if I can. I need new clothes – badly! Everything I own is loose on me, I desperately need new pants, new tops, new sweaters and so on.
Plus .. who doesn’t love a shopping spree? LOL
A shopping trip would be great, specially after suffering from health problems. It will cheer you a up.