When I’m not feeling well in the evening I tend to stay up late watching TV and doing things on my computer.
Usually I watch TV channels that play either old comedy shows or animations like The Simpsons and South Park when I’m late. I guess the humor and perhaps the familiarity of the reruns makes me feel a little better when my body is not making me feel so good.
One thing I’ve noticed is that sometime after midnight the channels that play all these old rerun shows tend to have a lot of mini-infomercials and acne treatment commercials. Of course each acne commercial sweats that theirs is the top acne treatment and they always seem to have a celebrity endorsing the product.
I have to wonder if the celebrities endorsing products like acne and skin care treatments really have ever tried the products. I mean, their skin is so clear. I suppose they do use something, but I’m sure they all have dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons giving them special skin treatments as well. What do you think? Do you believe celebrity endorsement of products?
I’m not sure. Once I was watching the Rachael Ray Show, and she had some “stylist to the stars” guy on who preached about the evil of using home hair coloring kits. Then they broke to commercials, and one of them was for Garnier Nutrisse hair coloring with Sarah Jessica Parker! I do find it hard to believe that someone like that would actually color their own hair at home
Well, for me, I don’t really look at which celebrity endorses it. What I do is, I look at the product, then decide if it’s really good or not. I don’t base my decision on whether or not I like the celebrity endorsing it, or that he/she is believable.
That’s a big problem. I take one look at them and see them lying through their teeth – of course they don’t use the product, or if they do then it’s because they’re being paid to do so. Not the same thing as choosing because they actually like it and recommend it because it’s simply the best there is.
No I don’t believe the celebrity endorsements at all. For a couple of celebrities in the UK it really back fired when it was discovered that the product they were advertising was basically junk. It just goes to show that at least some of the celebrities have no idea about the products that they are promoting.