My husband has one of the worst snores that I’ve ever heard. I think only my dad could beat it.
Lucky for me I haven’t had to endure his snore very often over the last few years because my husband was diagnosed with sleep apnea and now he wears a bipap mask. He says he sleeps better now and so do I without that awful snoring.
Unfortunately, over the last few months I’ve noticed that my husband is snoring a little more often again. I don’t think his mask is fitting as well as it used to so it makes this weird hissing Darth Vader kind of sound. He’s also been doing this weird thing with his lips – it sounds like he’s puckering up and blowing bubbles. So even though he’s sleeping ok, my sleep has gone downhill because I can’t stand the snores and other weird mask sounds.
I suggested that my husband contact the company that set him up with his bipap machine for another mask fitting. Maybe it’s changed shape? I’m sure that will help.
I’ve also been wondering if the renewed snoring might be allergy related. Both my husband and I are allergic to dust mites and my husband complains of a stuffy nose quite often lately. Maybe I should look into getting some allergy bedding? It might help.
Do you have a husband (or wife) who snores really bad? How do you survive?
I know there are a lot of anti snoring cures on the internet but has somebody tried any of those stop snoring devices? There seems to be diverse reviews on them and I’m just wondering if anyone has achieved any real success with one. I’m really curious if they are comfortable or do you just get use to it after a few nights. Thanks.
Hi my husband tried one of the stop snoring devices. He actually didn’t find them uncomfortable and got on with the really well. The sad part was they didn’t really work. He is now trying a natural way by not using any devices. Its all about breathing techniques etc. Fingers crossed that this will work!!!