I’m so happy that winter is finally over! Not that our winter was all that bad. We had a much much warmer than normal winter with almost zero snow. Pretty rare for most of Canada!
My garden is looking spectacular already … It’s about a month ahead of itself in growth! I think that if my husband I start to feel better this weekend (we’ve have some kind of bug) maybe we’ll pull out our patio furniture so that we can enjoy some of this nice weather and get the outdoor season started.
I guess we’ll be getting invitations to outdoor BBQ’s and things like that a little earlier this year too. I know that I’d love to have our first garden/backyard get together soon – if this good weather holds up!
How’s the weather in your area? Are you ready to get out in your backyard and start barbecuing and doing other summer like activities soon too?
Did you have to send all your supposed snow all the way over here…? *giggles*
I’m glad though that the snow is gone since a couple of weeks back now. Even though I right now spot some very tiny snowflakes coming down, but that’s normal in April. The grass has just started to grow a bit and some spring flowers too, but not so much more than that.
We almost booked a trip to US and that would have taken place about right now, but I’m glad we didn’t considering the ash clouds from Iceland! If we had gone there, we might have taken a trip over the border to Canada too – waving hello to you ๐