Happy New Year!
I just realized that I didn’t write a New Years post to thank my regular readers and visitors for visiting this blog in 2009! Thank you for sticking around and leaving comments and being faithful visitors. I hope that my posts continue to entertain you in 2010.
So how did you celebrate New Years?
My husband and I had a quite evening. We’d had three rounds of guests in our house from the 20th of December through to the 31st and a family wedding, so once the last of our guests were safely on an airplane home we went into relaxation mode.
We had a nice dinner on New Years eve, followed much later by a glass of wine and a piece of Chocolate Fudge cheesecake at Midnight on New Years. During the evening we watched two movies that I’d taped earlier and then caught the tail end of Toronto’s New Years eve televised celebration just in time for the count down to midnight.
We spent Saturday and most of Sunday relaxing. I think we’re finally rested up and recovered from the holidays or at least I hope we are!
We hadn’t been planning to do anything over the weekend at all, but late yesterday afternoon we ran into one of our neighbors and they invited us in to have a drink for New Years and to see their latest renovations. They’d just finished redoing their kitchen and man, am I jealous! It’s beautiful and oh, they put in double copper sinks! I love the look of them! It seems like our neighbors are starting off the new year just right.
So … what did you do for New Years? Did you get together with friends and family or did you just have a quiet evening at home?
I just had a big dinner with family on New Years.
I wish you the best for 2010 and beyond!
Happy New Year to you too!
It’s interesting to see how different families see in the new year. We had a fairly quiet one this year – it’s sometimes nice to stay home and just enjoy good company and conversation I think.