I finally finished going over all the pictures I took this summer. What a job! We had a busy summer with more house guests than usual, and somehow I just never found the time to go over all the pictures that I took of the things we did this summer.
Of course, I transferred the pictures from our digital cameras to the computer, but I didn’t spend time editing them like I usually do.
As a result I have several folders of photos that need to be cropped or resized. I don’t know why, but I hate editing my photos! It’s not like it’s hard to do, but I take a LOT of pictures … so it’s very time consuming and I never seem to have a lot of spare time! Maybe it’s a good thing that this summer was kind of cold and rainy … I didn’t take as many photos as I normally do!
Do you edit your digital photos? If you do, do you enjoy doing it, or is it a task that you put off like I do?
BTW if you’d like to see some of my photos check out my photo blog Breath of Life.
I agree editing photos really takes time but I consider it as weaving the moments I had when I took the pictures. Sometimes it’s fun to do when you’re in the mood and get annoyed if the whole thing is like a crap. Oh well, I love photography and it doesn’t matter if I had to spend time on editing it. I just choose the best among the rest when I’ll edit it. ๐