I was so tired tonight that I didn’t cook dinner. Actually I fell asleep for two hours and didn’t wake up until my husband came home from work!
By that time it was 8 pm and a little late to start cooking. So we had McDonalds for dinner. We don’t have that often. It’s rare. But I always feel guilty after eating such a high calorie meal! Where’s some Medifast coupons when you need them!
Oh and the salt! Did you know that Canadian fast food apparently has even more salt in it than American fast food? Why? I don’t know … but it’s sickeningly salty.
Do you ever feel guilty after eating a fast food meal?
Ugh, I know that guilt ridden feeling, though it still doesn’t stop me. Lucky for me I love cooking, so as long as I have enough time, I don’t mind cooking too much.
I do however find it very tempting to pick up a McD’s cheese burger for breakfast every now and again – not a great way to start the day, but so yummy though!