Do you ever feel so crappy that you just want to stay in bed? I feel that way a lot thanks to my Crohn’s and this strange tiredness that’s come over me in the last couple of weeks.
I’ve been thinking about it, and since we have an extra TV upstairs,, why not set it up so that I could actually stay in bed occasionally when I want to? All we need is a TV wall mount and we’d be all set. Yeah .. we don’t even have the TV set up … but if we got the wall mount and maybe put the TV on the wall across from the bed it would be great.
Not that I like watching day time TV though … LOL I guess we’d need to set up a DVD player too.
Do you have a TV in your bedroom?
I used to have a tv in my room. Then I had my son and the older he got, it got moved into his room, so he can watch his cartoons and movies in his own room. I do miss it though. It was nice to be able to watch tv in my bed before going to sleep.
i also have a tv in my bedroom, since ever even xD
Its great to zap for some minutes before sleep or play some video game ๐
Great article! In my living room I have 2 tv. A 30 inches wide flat screen tv and in the bathroom I have 24 inches flat screen as well.Everytime I wake up I wanna see latest news and sports and I love it!
I don;t have a tv in my bedroom but I have my 17 inch computer monitor. I watch dvds and downloaded episodes of my fav tv shows like Star Trek (all 5 series), Star Gate Atlantis and the new V.
I really hate to watch TV in my bed room, you know I feel its kinda disturbs me.