I was starting to think that we probably wouldn’t have to split our driveway time with our new neighbors (the renters next store that replaced the previous redneck renters!), as I haven’t seen them driving a car since they moved in three weeks ago.
This is odd in itself, because when they were looking at the house next door prior to moving in they were driving a BMW and they told the owners of the house that they used the car in the summer and a truck or van in the winter …. but so far there’s been no sign that they are using a vehicle. Strange huh?
Anyway .. now I’m wondering if they were just storing a truck somewhere else as I saw the new neighbor carrying a box with all kinds of truck accessories or at least that’s what I think they were, into the house earlier today.
Well … if they have a truck lets hope it’s too big for our tiny driveway! I mean, it’s supposed to be a shared driveway but it’s so narrow that you can really only park a medium to small sized car in it … and at that, if the car is long it’s butt end sticks out over the sidewalk. Hey .. that’s what you get when you live in a house that was built in 1927 I guess. I suppose we’re lucky we even have a driveway.
Do you have a shared driveway at your house? How do you and your neighbor work out driveway time? With our last neighbors we switched every month and that worked out pretty good until they bought a mamoth of a car (a Lincoln) that really didn’t fit in the driveway … I mean I couldn’t even pass my garden hose around the car when I needed to water!
New neighbors just moved in and I, unfortunately, have to share my driveway with them. I am now woken up at 6AM cause they have to unlock their damn cars every morning! Nothing I can do about it but, now I know the feeling!