I’m so frustrated. I keep wanting to get back into a fitness routine, but because of my Crohn’s I just can’t seem to get started.
Seriously. Right now my right side is aching so bad that I can barely walk around my house let alone think about picking up the ‘ol Kettlebell and start doing a bit of a work out.
Seriously – how does a person with a chronic illness that keeps acting up manage to stay in shape? I certainly haven’t found a way!
Luckily I was fairly active in the summer – getting out and walking more and of course doing work in my garden. Believe me … when I work in my garden it is a workout because I’ll stay out there digging and stretching over the raised garden beds until I get whatever job I’m working on done … sometimes I’m out there for eight hours at a time – even if I’m in excruciating pain! I call it extreme gardening. LOL
Now that the weather is beginning to get a little cooler I want to try to find a way to stay active and in shape indoors. Yeah I could go out and walk or even jog in the winter, but when it’s -25 Celsius out and there’s three feet of snow that’s not really the best kind of activity.
As usual I’m going to hope that this pain goes away so that I can do something that keeps me active. I certainly have enough fitness equiptment in the house to get me in shape. I just need to feel well enough to use it.
I am not familiar with Crohn’s Disease, but is there a way you can incorporate a non-impact exercise such as a stationary bike in your workout routine?
AutoSpector Inspections – Good idea with the non-impact exercises, but on top of Crohn’s I have really bad knees (They’ve been bad since I was a teen!) so bike riding – even stationary is out.
The trouble with Crohn’s is that it causes abdominal pain so when it’s bad moving around seems to make the pain worse so things like jogging and other really active workouts are no good for me unless I have very little pain on that particular day. Even walking can cause more pain when it’s bad. I guess there’s no simple solution.
How about swimming? It is very non-impact.
Raised Vegetable Garden – yes swimming is a great idea. I hadn’t really thought about that. We don’t really have a pool nearby that I know of, but I should do a search to see if there is one that I could get to easily enough. I know there’s one for dogs (an indoor pool of all things!) so there’s got to be one for us peeps!
I think that gardening for exercise is a great idea. I seem to get quite a workout from cleaning my house. The swimming or trying a sauna may be a good idea for you also.