I was so happy last Saturday when I got up that I was almost jumping for joy! Why … well, the Redneck renter neighbors next door had a truck outside and it appeared they were haphazardly loading it up to move!
Figures they’d pick, what was up to that point the hottest day in the year (Monday was the hottest) to move!
I was so happy! You see, we knew they were moving but whenever we’d ask them when they’d always say they weren’t moving out until the end of the month. I always thought they were kind of lying as it was obvious that they already had control of the other house and were painting it and slowly moving some of the things they could carry by hand or car over the last month.
It wasn’t until the evening that I knew for sure that they probably weren’t going to be back at the house much … you see they took their window air-conditioner out and packed their BBQ into the van. Yeah!
Oh and what terrible movers they were! It seems like they didn’t prepare their move by getting boxes or disassembling furniture or even moving things to one room of the house for an easier move … things came out one by one, in bags or in fully assemble states. The last van load that I saw they put their big couch in upside down and jammed their barbecue in beside it. If they’d turned the couch upright they could have put boxes or small items on top of it … but because they put it in so badly they could only put two things in the big truck???? DUMB.
Anyway … I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to be moving over the weekend. Just going outside coated you in sweat because the temperatures were so high as was the humidity. They were just dripping sweat. I’m sure an acne treatment is in their future!
So … the redneck neighbors still have some furniture in their house. Maybe they’ll get the rest this coming weekend … but for our peace of mind, they’re as good as gone and oh … we have our driveway back! No more big boat of a car blocking the whole lane way! Yeah!
Thanks for sharing your Redneck neighbors story with us. it seems that they were quite interesting. Any ways all the best for you!!!!!!!
Thanks & Regards
Alice Johnson
Alice, yes the redneck neighbors were interesting, but way too loud and way too intrusive to be good neighbors. I’m glad that they are finally gone!