My brother from Vancouver was visiting last weekend and I swear my dog adopted him -and he her!
From the minute the two saw each other it was love at first sight! LOL
My brother was here from Saturday until Monday evening and our Lab, Midnight was at his side every time he was around. Good thing he’s a dog person! He has a 10 year old lab mix at home.
He even took her out for a walk or two. I didn’t expect that at all. Of all the house guests and visitors we’ve had since we got Midnight about a year and a half ago, I’d say that my brother took to our dog the best.
Of course she’s still a little hyper. She’s going to be two at the end of August. We tried asking my brother if his dog did some of the same things she does, but for the most part it sounds like his dog, Danny, was a pretty calm dog. Midnight on the other hand does silly things like blowing bubbles in her water bowl, jumps up and down when she wants us to play with her bone (I have to video tape this, she had all our relatives laughing so hard they were crying on Sunday when they saw my bouncing dog), somersaults on the couch when she wants a rub and so on. Yeah, she’s a nut.
And why do dogs like to lick wounds? As it turns out both my brother and I suffer from psoriasis. My dog is always trying to lick my wrist where my skin is rough and dry from the psoriasis. As for my brother … Midnight spent most of his visit licking his leg where his skin is affected. Now I’m waiting for an email from him to find out if her licking made his leg worse or better. LOL
Has your dog ever become extremely attached to a house guest quickly … and is your dog quirky like mine?