It’s kind of funny. Whenever I write about my Crohn’s disease and the awful symptoms it causes me I get all kinds of advice and helpful tips from my readers. it’s nice in a way, but I’ve tried just about everything that I think is medically safe – from dozens of medications prescribed by my doctors to natural remedies that I don’t think will do any harm like Cat’s Claw, probiotics and so on.
Most of the suggestions that I get have merit, but there’s always someone that suggests diet pills (why i don’t know) or some kind of multivitamin super supplement like Lipovox. Things like that might help other disorders, but I’m not sure they’d help bowel inflammation.
One of the suggestions I receive recently was Aloe Vera pills. I might try those as others with Crohn’s have found it to relieve their symptoms to some degree. It’s worth a try and shouldn’t do any harm.
When you are sick or if you have a chronic disease have you tried natural remedies or non traditional medicines?
Have you ever considered marijuana? There’s a woman by the name of Michelle Rainy I think that is a public activist that uses cannabis for her Chrons and claims it works wonders for her. It surly is illegal but you can get a medical exemption license from the government for a condition like yours.