I guess you could say I’m doing a series of posts across a few of my blogs about a recent trip to Taylor Creek Park in Toronto for all of my GTS posts today.
So instead of the usual garden related post I’ve chosen to go with a nature post instead.
It was the beginning of November and some of the trees were beginning to change color, flowers were developing seedheads, milkweed seeds were blowing in the wind and my dog was having a ball running through the forest trails and taking a dip in any water she managed to find.
The Sumacs had lost all of their leaves which turn a bright red in Autumn, but their lovely seedheads or fruit were still on the branches.
Actually, there were still some red leaves on the Sumacs, but they looked to be fading fast. These ones look like they are just about ready to drop, don’t they?
A tree that I’d found on an earlier trip still had most of it’s blue colored berries, but it had lost most of it’s leaves.
Isn’t it hard to believe that this park is deep within the city when you see a picture like the one below? I mean, it really does look like a country scene does it not?
A couple hundred feet to the left of this scene is a busy highway (the 404 or Don Valley), but you’d never know it by just looking at this photo!
That’s what I love about Toronto, there are so many great parks that you can easily get away from the hustle and bustle of the city … even though you are still in it!
great photos