If you are a regular reader of this blog you probably already know that I maintain several blogs. Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m just spinning my wheels. You know, working all day on different things, but still feeling like I haven’t made much progress at all. I know … all those little things I’m doing usually pay off down the road, but when you have a number of sites all the tasks to maintain and promote them can become overwhelming.
I’ve been feeling this way for several months. I think part of the problem is that my routine isn’t as organized as it used to be. I used to write posts in advance and save them as drafts or set them to publish on future dates. If I had enough of them set up that way for a number of sites it left me free to do things like comment on other blogs, network, add site listings to directories or write articles to publish on article sites to help promote the sites and gain traffic.
I think I’ve slowly been becoming more and more disorganized because I simply don’t sleep much anymore. I’m in chronic pain due to Crohns so I’m achy when I get up in the morning and if I didn’t get enough sleep it takes a while to get on a role with my writing. Then by the time my husband is going to bed at night I start to feel like I’m getting work done, feel like I’m on a role … but I’m starting to get tired so it’s harder to get things done.
I’m going to revamp my whole routine. I’m going to start getting up by 8 am – even if I didn’t sleep well or didn’t fall asleep until 5 am! Then I’ll try to do some exercise – take the dog for a walk, work out on the elliptical – whichever as long as it’s about an hour of physical activity. That will help me get in gear for the day and hopefully help me lose a few of the extra pounds I’ve put on as my routine began to fall apart ( no fat burners for me! not yet anyway!).
Then after getting the basics out of the way like eating and showering I’ll spend a few hours writing for all the blogs and then an hour or two promoting the sites and or networking. It’s important that I get the writing done during the day when there’s less distractions. The promoting and networking can go into the evening if they must.
Now the last and hardest part for me will be getting to bed by a decent time. I can’t see myself going to bed any earlier than 11 pm as I’ve always been a night owl. 2 am is probably more likely! either way if I can make myself get 6 to 9 hours of solid sleep each night I think everything else will fall back in place for me again.
Do you work at home or do you maintain multiple blogs? What’s your routine like? Are you organized or are you finding it harder and harder to keep up?
I am not maintaining two website but i write for other websites and i am also doing seo. Sometimes i feel tired but it’s ok.I love what i am doing.
Punky I run 20 websites and blogs and I’m supposed to be writing on two others but haven’t been able to find the time to make guest posts on those other sites yet. You see why I’m spinning my wheels … too much on my plate and almost zero sleep.