Wordless Wednesday
Oh oh … I think some little dog just got himself into big big trouble! I know if that were my dog she’d be going into her crate for a while!
Ugh … can you imagine having to clean up that mess?
by Tricia
Tricia has been creating websites since 1995 and blogging since 2006. She writes on a variety of topics on several sites and has had articles published in a few popular magazines. She's also a Nurse, avid gardener, photographer and pet lover.
I love this shot. Cute and adorable but naughty . My little terrors are paper tissue shredders too.
My WW is up
My Little Drummer Boys – Joy rider -you’re doing it wrong
Uh-oh, looks like you were caught red-handed! I think the one in trouble will actually be the one who had to clean up all this mess! Have a piece of my B-day cake today and happy WW!
Uh-oh! Look at that guilty face! ๐
Nice shot! Happy WW!
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My husband looked at that and said, “That’s why we don’t have a dog!”