Late last night after Chris had gone to bed and the dog was fast asleep I started hearing this funny noise … blop, blop …. bloop … I’d been watching TV in the living room so I turned the TV volume down and got up to investigate the sound.
As it turned out it was the the upstairs shower head that was leaking. That makes two shower faucets that we have to replace. The one in the basement has always leaked. Chris is the main user of the basement shower and he’s tried to fix that leak several times, even new shower heads don’t help.
So what he does for the basements leaking shower head is to turn off the water supply to the shower after he’s used it. Luckily the water control for that shower is easily accessible since our basement isn’t finished.
I think the upstairs leak will be easier to fix just by replacing the shower head or a washer, but the basement is a problem. We’re planning on renovating the basement sometime in the near future and we’ll be redoing the plumbing when we do it so we might be able to get by with Chris’ fix for a while longer.
Don’t you hate leaky taps and shower heads?
I hate leaky taps and shower heads