Geez … just how many fevers can a person have in one day or in a week or a year? I’m sick and tired of having fevers!
That’s just one symptom of Crohn’s disease .. well not the constant fevers, but it can be part of the disease.
I have had so many fevers, on a daily basis for the last three years, that when I purchased the domain for my main blog (and it’s sub-blogs) two years ago I called it Feverishthoughts! Hey it works!
One of the big things about having fevers on and off is that I’m never comfortable. (this doesn’t include my abdominal pain that’s also on and off throughout the day) I’m either too hot or too cold. My skin is also slightly damp at times and I think this has lead to an increase pimples in area of my body that get hot like my lower back and so on. I’ve taken to using pimple cream on those areas occasionally. Weird since I should be over that stage of my life by now and also because it’s hard to get at some of those areas too!
I guess it’s kind of strange to be complaining about having fevers, but if you had them every single day you’d probably be tired of them too!
I’m curious as to whether other Crohn’s sufferers have a lot of fevers as well?
hi…i’m not sure if this can be a response to your query regarding fever over and over again…but one thing i can say is dat fevers are usually signs that there is an imbalance in your body and that your body tries to level it out…your body is fighting off viruses, or foreign bodies and trying to achieve homeostasis…this is natural for our body to do..its its defense mechanism…since Crohns is an inflammation, the bodies trying to get rid of the heat..therefore if we start viewing things from the cellular level, and start acting on it, then we’d probably be able to maintain good health as a whole…afterall, taking care of your cells will constitute taking care of your whole give it a different doesn’t have to be difficult..simple methods are easily done everyday…since you and your husband basically eat healthy as you mentioned somewhere else, then i’d say start with simple breathing exercises…our cells need quality air and oxygen for it to function properly as well as nutrients in the rigt amounts and anti oxidants…another thing is drink plenty of fluids, again this is for your cells, they need water so they don’t die..electrolytes and the water actually cools down the body so it’ll be easier for cells to balance things out and eventually it’ll affect the whole body and our general health. this may sound a little farfetched and simple but i’d say it works. nothing much to it and often disregarded but the results are good and satisfying..i hope this helps.