Yesterday my husband woke up feeling sick. He’d complained on and off over the last week that his stomach was bothering him and or that he felt slightly nauseated, but I guess whatever he was fighting really hit him hard yesterday.
He knew he was feeling ill but he went to work anyway. Unsurprisingly he came home about two hours later and laid on the couch like a lump. He said he had really bad stomach cramps and when I touched his forehead he was burning up.
He really was sick. I kept giving him Tylenol to bring down the fever, even checking on him at 4:30 in the morning to see if he had a bad fever and gave him yet another Tylenol when I found that he did.
Now I’m not complaining about yesterday – he really was very sick … but it just seems guys turn into big babies when they are sick. As I said he’d been feeling slightly off for about a week so he was grumpy and well … sucky for all of the past week.
I’ve got Crohn’s and I pretty much feel like crap all the time … but if I give in to it I only feel worse because I’m thinking about how bad I feel … so I try to keep going and not complain. However with my husband feeling off for a week he kind of refused to do some of the things he normally does so I had to do them … and believe me I felt worse than him all of last week!
If I can cope with feeling shitty all the time, why can’t he cope with feeling sick for a few days?
I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t get whatever bug he has (he’s a lot better today but off work) because it will hit me really hard if I get it. I did feel really terrible on Tuesday though … so who knows, maybe I’ve already had his bug.
I know a gent with crohns but it only hits him about once a week. I guess he is lucky. I got sick this past week but I wasn’t a wimp. Maybe cause I am a single guy and no one will take care of me if I don’t do it myself.
Have you come across the “Man Cold” video?