Tomorrow Chris and I are going to the Canadian Open golf tournament at Glenn Abbey. My brother managed to get the two of us free passes for the day.
My husband is more into golf than I am. I’m not into it at all, but I still think it will be kind of interesting to go to the tournament as I’ve never been to one before and there will be some big names there. Plus who knows I might even see some celebrities too.
My brother had a choice of day passes to get us. He could either get us day passes for the semi finals on Saturday or the Finals on Sunday. He went with the Saturday passes because from Thursday to Saturday each evening after the rounds are finished there’s supposed to be a free concert. Tomorrow night Tom Cochrane and Red Rider are playing and unbeknownst to my brother that is one of my favorite bands of all time. I’ve never been to a Tom Cochrane concert so I’m super stoked to go.
The only problem with our day and evening away from home is that we have to leave our puppy alone. We can’t bring her with us unfortunately. We do have an idea though … We’re trying to reach one of our friends that lives in this condo hotel in the West end of town to see if he’ll doggy sit for us. He loves Labs and if he’s free it will be the perfect solution to our little problem.
If we can’t get our friend to doggy sit we’ll just go to the tournament in the late afternoon. As I said neither Chris nor I are that into golf. The main reason we want to go is for the concert. Even if we don’t go until the late afternoon I imagine our puppy will be alone for 6 or 7 hours. Since I’m home most of the time she’s never been alone even that long! This could be interesting.
I wouldn’t recommend leaving her at home alone for that long if it can possibly be helped. Dogsitting is the best way to go…we went to a midnight showing of The Dark Knight when it opened, and we had my fiancé’s sister come and look after our dog so that she wouldn’t be barking late at night and disturbing the neighbors. It worked out pretty well.