Chris and I finally got around to putting in our new window air conditioner on Saturday. Ok, well Chris put it in all I did was read the directions after he installed it. LOL
I took a look at the instruction booklet because I wanted to find out what the Dry setting was on the air conditioner. I’ve never had an air conditioner with a dry mode on it and you know what? The instructions never explained what it was so I’m still clueless.
What I did find in the booklet was the craziest set of warnings that I’ve ever seen! Geez, it made me feel like we should have each called for a life insurance quote and perhaps made sure our wills were in order.
Lets see there was a warning about the batteries for the remote. Specifically –
If you eat the liquid from the batteries, brush your teeth and see doctor.
Huh … who eats battery liquids and how much liquid is in a small AA battery anyway?
Here’s another one – Do not drink water drained from Air conditioner.
The list goes on. I’ve seen some odd and often humorous warnings on electrical appliance instructions before, but almost every warning in this air conditioner booklet is strange. Do they really think people are that stupid? Honestly?
Back in the day, mom and I were helping my grandpa move his furniture. Wooden furniture. We turned over a chair and found this gem:
This post is so funny, it really made me laugh. I do enjoy stupid instructions like, stupid hazard warnings. Very funny indeed.
My all time favorite is the allergy warning on a milk carton: “Contains milk.”
This is actually a good idea for one of my future blog posts. I have seen some funny warning labels and instructions before from other websites or even actual products. If I did a compilation of these in one article, it would make for a pretty funny read.
The “contains milk” one was good. I have also seen a warning that peanut butter contains peanuts. Imagine that. LOL