I can’t believe the storms we’ve had in Toronto this weekend. Late Friday evening we had a huge thunder and lightening storm that caused the power to go out briefly a few times.
The storm and power failure actually knocked out our TV for a while. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you already know how much trouble we’ve had with our DLP TV lately such as having to replace the color wheel and the special light bulb. Those were expensive! So when the power flashed on and off and our TV’s front panel lights were all flashing and the TV wouldn’t turn back on we thought the storm had wrecked our TV. Luckily after leaving it off for about 30 minutes it worked when we turned the power back on. Big sigh of relief. We certainly can’t afford any more repairs for that TV.
Now today we’re having thunder storms again. This time the TV is not on and we’ve got it unplugged too. We do have a power surge protector, but we aren’t taking any chances. That TV is just too expensive to repair to take chances.
The only other problem with all this rain is that I can’t get out into the garden. I’ve got flats of annuals to plant but you can’t plant in the rain and it’s not good to plant in wet soil as that ruins the composition of the soil.
Hopefully the weather will clear up soon and I can get in the garden in a few hours.
We just had some crazy rain (downtown Toronto)!