We’ve owned our house now for almost 7 years. I guess we’re pretty lucky that our house was structurally sound when we bought it and has needed very few repairs. Actually we’ve done a lot of renovation work on the house, but very little of the work we’ve done was stuff that really had to be done.
The former owners of our house did a lot of work before we bought it. They had a new roof put on, new windows and new copper pipes. Once we heard that we knew we were set!
Even though our house seems to be sound it’s always good to prepare for emergencies. One great idea would be to have the numbers for various emergency services written down and perhaps stuck to your fridge with a magnet.
One of the companies that we have on our list is the number for a plumber and sewer service. Like I said before you never know when an emergency might happen. Perhaps a large tree close to your house might have roots that grow into the plumbing and sewer system. This can cause a lot of problems and it can happen suddenly.
If you happen to be in the Seattle area you might want to take a look at the Seattle Plumbing website. This company has been offering services to residential home owners, apartments, and commercial properties since 1904.
Services offered by GoodServices.com include plumbing repair, remodeling, and installing plumbing, heating and mini-duct air conditioning systems.
I don’t live in Seattle, but if I did I think it would be a good idea to look into a company that’s been offering Plumbing in Seattle for over 100 years.
Other services that you should know the numbers for would include your cities water maintenance department, the gas company, the fire and emergency services and perhaps even an arborist (tree surgeon) if you have a large tree on or near your property and worry that branches might fall and damage your home at some point.
Having a list of emergency numbers by every phone is imperative, you never know when you could need them!