Over the last month or two, every time I talked about our bad weather (remember that huge snow storm we had here in Toronto at the end of March?), and my desire to get away from it all for a vacation on one of my other blogs someone came along and left me a message. The message always suggest that I visit check out one of the Outer Banks rentals if I needed to get away.
It was kind of strange. It was always the same person and they weren’t even leaving a link to a vacation rental site. So I’m not certain that it was a spam message. Perhaps the person really thought I’d have a great time visiting the Outer Banks?
Certainly I get enough spammy comments on each of blogs day in and day out. Those get marked as spam so those people won’t end up being able to bother other WordPress bloggers once Akismet gets there number.
Do you get strange comments on your sites that make you wonder what the persons getting at?