Have you noticed that ads that you’ve perhaps been seeing on the internet over the last year or more are suddenly in magazines and even on TV these days?
Maybe it’s just because I’m in Canada and some of these ads are finally making their way to main stream media here, but over the last month I’ve noticed more and more companies that I’ve seen doing big internet advertising campaigns advertising in magazines and on TV. You know, companies like Lifelock and ones for colon cleanse and several other products.
I thought more and more companies were turning to the internet to advertise but now I’m wondering if they’re changing their minds and going back to main stream advertising. What do you think? Are they putting their money into all kinds of ads or going back to more traditional ways of getting their message out?
From the marketing studies I’ve read, Internet advertising is cheaper and gets a higher response rate (at least from what they can measure, and it’s dang hard to direct measure response from a TV ad). So maybe the companies you’ve seen are just testing the waters, or maybe they’ve grown big enough that they can afford more expensive/traditional advertisements to hit a wider audience with?