We’ve had the movie channels as part of our cable package for years, but I must say that we don’t really use it often. We watch more of the regular top cable shows and documentaries or special shows on the specialty channels than we do movies.
However, having said that, with the writers strike going on for three months and new episodes of our favorite shows delayed until sometime in April we’ve been watching more movies on the movie channels this year.
I can’t remember which movie were were watching last week, but half way through the movie we started seeing subtitling in Spanish. It was really strange! I guess someone messed up at the station and put a DVD on with subtitles or something.
Have you been missing new episodes of your favorite shows too? What have you been watching instead – or have you found something else to do during what used to be your TV time?
Watching TV shows on the net has become a major part of my day