One of my brothers is really into electronics and cars. Whenever he buys a new computer, a new television or any other gadget he sends tons of photos by email. He barely says anything in these emails … it’s just huge picture after huge picture.
I have no idea why he does this. I think I’m going to have to teach him how to use Flickr or another free photo storage place!
His latest set of photos were of his new car. The photos included the cars interior, exterior, car spoilers and well, everything!
I think he’s just so proud of what he’s purchased that he’s got to show it off right way by sending us 40 megabytes of photos!
Do you have any relatives that are like that?
Hi, actually no, I don’t have relatives like that..But I think I should be a bit more like him myself though, because sharing pictures is a great addition to a blog..Even though he seems to carry to extreme!
Oh yes I have a few cousins, brother-n-laws and father-n-law who do that:-).