We’re back from Las Vegas!
I was just saying on my gardening blog that I already miss the Vegas weather as it’s cold and dreary here in Toronto! I am, however, very glad to be home since I continued to be quite sick while I was away on my trip and managed to get even sicker!
It’s much better to be at home when you feel absolutely horrible. If my Crohn’s acting up wasn’t enough I woke up with a terribly sore throat this morning. I’ve been drinking warm liquids all day and sometimes it feels a bit better but then it gets worse again. I hope it’s just post nasal drip or something making my throat feel so bad and not strep throat or something.
Other than not feeling very well while I was in Las Vegas I managed to have a good time. I met up with some bloggers that I’ve known for years, others that I’ve only known a short while and hopefully made a few new blogging friends too.
We never managed to have time to try out the gambling in Vegas, so I missed out on that experience -gambling virgin that I am! Oh well. We did go out to a few clubs, one of which was the famous TAO nightclub at the Venetian Hotel.
TAO is huge! It’s a beautiful nightclub though, and the staff were very friendly. Oh and their finger foods were delicious! They served us spring rolls, sushi, won tons filled with shrimp and lobster, Kobe beef mini hamburgers and tiny deserts. I’m sure there were a few other finger foods that I missed too. All were delicious!
On Thursday night my husband and I got together with Mr. Fab from Pointless Drivel. He’d already eaten but he met us at the Outback while we ate. We then got in touch with some of the other bloggers that were in town for the convention and we all eventually met up at a bar called Tattoo Alley.
What a great time!
The band was fantastic and I think we all had a good time drinking and talking and joking around. My husband Chris bought a feathered boa for Mr. Fab and when the other bloggers joined up with us the boa got passed around. I think Colleen or Jules were last scene wearing it.
I’ve got lots of photos to upload and post. Some could be embarrassing to those who were with us that night! I’ll get them up soon!
More about my trip later. I’m still recovering!
Even as we speak, I am undergoig plaxtic surgery so no one will recognize me once the photos come out!