I’m getting all geared up for the trip to Vegas next week. We’re going to the Blogworld and Postiecon conventions and I’ve been busy trying to get everything I’ll need prepared for the trip.
I’m excited and nervous about going to Las Vegas all at the same time.
I’m excited because it’s the first time I’ve flown anywhere this century!
Now that I wrote that, it kind of sounds weird doesn’t it, but honestly, I haven’t been on a plane since oh … 1998. I’m also nervous because every time I do travel by plane my ears hurt like crazy. I used to be able to fly without any problems, but ever since I got my tonsils out at the tender age of 21 my ear drums just about explode when I fly. Seriously, I’ve gone to the doctor after a flight and been told that my ear drums were so inflamed that the doctor was surprised they didn’t burst.
Chris, my husband, is afraid of flying. So between the two of us – me likely with a face full of gum and swallowing like crazy with a pained look on my face and my husband trying to stave off a panic attack we’ll probably be quite the pair.
I’m also nervous because I agreed to speak or well, be on a panel, at Postiecon and well … I’m kind of shy, especially in crowds. I probably won’t really start having fun on the trip until I get that over with on Saturday morning.
I think I’ll just write off Thursday evening. If we feel up to it we’ll try to get together with some of our blogging friends, but I think Chris will be tired as he’ll be taking ativan or valium for the flight, and well, I’ll be full of decongestant, allergy meds, aspirin and anything else I can get my hands on to keep my ears from becoming inflamed during the flight. The last time I flew I was pretty buzzed for about 12 hours when I landed. All those meds took a toll on me. So I think we’ll be in flight recovery mode Thursday night.
Are you going to Vegas next week for the blogging conventions?
Wow, you both will be interesting on the plane for sure but neither sound like it’ll fun to deal with.
The downfall to actually living in Vegas is that you don’t get the chance to plan big fun (and I’m sure expensive) trips when something is happening in Vegas. Instead you just drive up the road a few miles…
So, enjoy your flight! I’ll be safe on my drive and then hey, see ya at PostieCon! :o)