A lovely flower in the fall, chrysanthemums bring color to the autumn garden. They last quite a while in the garden. In fact, mine are only just beginning to die down now that it’s starting to get cool out.
Another thing that I like about mums is that if you cut them and bring some indoors they usually last quite a while in a vase.
Did you grow some mums this year in your garden?
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Lovely mums. Have they faded to that color, or is that their normal shade? They are different that any I’ve seen. Happy GTS,
Nope that’s their actual colour! I hadn’t seen any quite like them before either. I was quite happy at my find. 😉
wow … gorgeous shot! what lovely color shades!
happy GTS!
Their color is quite amazing! Looks like a sorbet.
I confess I’m waiting until November 2nd to buy some more mums for my garden. They should be cheaper by then. Just realizing I don’t know if mums are THE flowers to bring to grave-yards for you too? That is their main use in France, although it is a bit of a nonsense. In most parts of France, frost has come by early november, so you put a mum on a grave on the 1st, and on the 2nd it is all frozen. Frost does not settle as early here, so mums are a delight in my garden.
It’s a lovely color, unusual, I’ve ever seen anything like it in Wisconsin. Enjoy GTS.
I think the colours in these muums are great, i have not seen ones like this before, they are usually one colour.
Great that you can bring them indoors as well, to brighten the place up on these darker nights.
Love the colors in this mum ! It is so pretty. I planted mums this year I hope they make it throught the winter.Happy GTS!
What beautiful colours .. it looks like candy!
I like the way these mums go from one color to another.
Very pretty.
As already mentioned: beautiful flowers! Unfortunatly I don’t have a garden. Does anyone happen to know whether you can actually grow them indoors as well!?
Chrysthanthemums (argh I can’t spell it!!) are fantastic plants – the one in our garden had literally hundreds and hundreds of butterflies on the other day – when my son flick it’s leaves to move it there was an amazing flock that burst into the sky. Absolutely stunning!