I have such a headache today.
I used to get really bad headaches all the time when I was in my teens, but I grew out of them when I was in my early twenties. Well, grew out of them or something changed that helped put an end to the terrible daily headaches that I’d get.
Now I only seem to get them around that time of the month for the most part. Lately though I’ve been getting a bad headache at least once a week. The kind that makes one of your eyes ache and burn.
The whole right side of my head is affected with this one and nothing I do seems to relieve it. I’ve eaten, I’ve taken Tylenol, I’ve taken my pain pills that I normally take for my crohns … the only thing left to try is perhaps an aspirin as that sometimes helps.
I have a feeling that if this doesn’t go away soon I’ll be stuck on the couch unable to get up.
I used to get migraines, but I’ve almost beaten them now.