My husband took yesterday off because he had to have a doctors appointment. Normally he wouldn’t do that, but he really needed to see the doctor about something so he got someone to cover his shift at work.
After his doctors appointment we voted in the Ontario Provincial election. Yes it’s that time of year again when those of us from Ontario must vote for a new provincial leader. As it turns out it looks like the same politician will be running things for another four years. Ah … but that’s another story for another time.
After we did our civic duty by voting we decided to go grocery shopping. Believe it or not, since I’ve been so sick lately Chris has been doing all the shopping. He does ok, but he always forgets something and he needs a few lessons in how to pick ripe fruit. Put it this way – I was tired of him bringing home plums that were too hard to eat and had no hope of ripening!
So we went grocery shopping and also visited a home store while we were out.
I didn’t buy anything at the home store, but I did have a good look around. I’m always trying to get new ideas for our home since we are in the midst of major renovations. I can’t wait until all of our projects are finished so that I can decorate!
I like looking at everything from wall hangings and picture frames to Murray Feiss light fixtures, throw blankets and side tables and so on and so on … You see, I think I know how I want to decorate the living room and dining room when we are finished renovating, but I like to re-enforce my ideas when I’m in a store that sells furnishings and accessories for the home.
Do you do that? Do you like window shopping for home decor?
Yup … I definitely do ๐
Most of all I like the way they decorate kitchens, cause my kitchen is an inherited, 20-year-old nightmare in dark-brown.
So good luck for your renovations and lots of fun while decorating your renewed rooms ๐