My brother called his brother this morning to tell him to shorten his visit at our house.
He did this because I had a terrible night. Obviously I was productive and got a lot of posting done on my sites, but I was in pain the whole time. When I finally tried to go to bed I was still in too much pain to sleep and was in fact still awake when my husband left for work at 9:30 this morning.
I slept, but got up at 2 pm so that’s not too much sleep. I’m sure that contributes to my continuous pain cycle. I think I need to actually be knocked out for several days in a row to reset my whole body.
Anyway, my husband called his brother to tell him how awful I’ve been feeling and to suggest that his visit at our house not be too long.
I feel terrible about that. I didn’t want him to tell his brother he can’t stay here long. They don’t get to see each other all that often and who am I to stop them.
As far as I’m concerned the three of them – Chris’ brother and his two teenage kids – can come and visit. If I’m not feeling well then I just won’t participate in whatever they are doing. I know my niece wanted me to go out with her on a big shopping spree, but I never really thought that would happen and now that I’m still feeling so horrible it won’t be happening, but there’s no reason to cancel or shorten their visit.
It looks like I’ll have to call Chris’ brother myself to let him know that it’s ok to visit.