As many of you likely know I have a number of blogs.
The majority of my blogs are well over a year old – so don’t be thinking I created my blogs to make money. No, I created them to divide up the various topics that I was interested in talking about regularly into blogs of their own.
When I first did that, and every time that I mention that I did that people think I might have cut my readership down by spreading out my blogs. I haven’t. I’ve increased readership all round because those that are only interested in particular topics can focus on the blogs that I created about those niche topics rather than digging from one or two main blogs that talk about ALL the things I enjoy or that I’m passionate about.
As my blogs have gained in readership I’ve been spending more time developing the sites and interacting with those who leave comments. This has actually taken time away from blogging and has made it harder for me to post in some of the blogs on a regular basis.
When I wasn’t quite as busy I’d take the time to write up a few extra draft posts on each site that I could use whenever I needed or set in advance to auto-publish so that the blogs always had at least one post a day.
I was to get organized and start doing that again. It really helps!
If this sounds like a good idea to you, I think what those of us with multiple blogs need to do is set aside at least one or two hours each day to write up a couple of extra posts on a few of our blogs. In no time at all you’ll have a stalk of draft posts just waiting to be published.
When most of your blogs have some drafts backed up you can then take a bit more time to get out and visit other bloggers sites or spend some time promoting your sites on directories.
One of my blogging friends, RennyBA recently gave me a Schmoozing Award the other day. I don’t think he gave it to me because I buzz around promoting my sites. I think it was more because I try to build communities with my blogrolls and make posts like this every once in a while with the aim of helping others with their blogging. Now if he’d given me this award last year it would have been for commenting because I think I regularly visited about 200 sites a day leaving comments on most!
Anyway, back to the point of this post. Help your self with posting and organizing your time by writing up some extra posts that you can save as drafts when you either have the time or when you are in a writing mode. Believe me, it will give you more time to schmooze and promote your site … or simply to relax!
It is quite true that maintaining multiple blogs and keeping every thing active is a tough one.
Most people start many blogs and finally end up with a primary blog. The rest remain without much updates.
And following with comments make it multi fold difficult , when in multiple blogs.