My husband is home sick today from work. Last night when he got home just after six pm he told me that he’d been feeling terrible all day. He had the runs, sweats, fever and just generally felt dragged out.
He rested on the couch until about 8:30 in the evening. He ate a few crackers but then announced he was going to go to bed.
As you might already know I tend to stay up quite late – often through the night, because of my own illness, so I was aware of him getting up a few times in the night.
At 5 a.m. he got up to get a thermal blanket because he said he was cold. He was burning up with fever. I gave him more Tylenol. It must have been at least the third one since he’d arrived home from work. I also then went and called his work place and left messages stating that he wouldn’t be in for work today.
When he got up this morning he was feeling a lot better but he’s been extremely tired over the last several weeks so he decided to call our family doctor to see if he could get in for an appointment. Luckily they were able to see him.
Our doc is thinking he might have a thyroid problem. I’m not so sure. He’d been on some medication for a while and went off it about three weeks ago – coincidently the excessive tiredness began around that time. I think his tiredness is a side effect of getting off the medication he’d been on.
She had him get a lot of blood work just to be sure nothing serious was going on.
As far as his recent illness she of course thought that was a virus.
Apparently there’s quite a nasty bug going around. I was talking with my father in law last night and he said that my mother in law and her sister both had similar symptoms.
I just hope I don’t get this. I’ve already got abdominal problems and when I get a virus I get really really sick.