We had quite the scare yesterday. I plan on writing out the full details on my main blog Tricia’s Musings sometime later today but I’ll just tell you it involved fire and electricity, neighbors stupid people!
Remember how I was mentioning we had a really bad storm here in Toronto early last week and that trees fell down and crushed houses in our general neighborhood but luckily not on our block? Well it appears that the tree next door to us might have had a bit of damage.
Just to summarize a branch fell on the power line that was under the tree. The power box is right there too beside the power line and the branch got zapped by the electric wire. Neighbors all round were outside staring at the flames but were too stupid to call 911!
I called 911 and got the fire department and police to come and check out the problem. Meanwhile the electric box attached to the wire exploded!
The neighbor who owns the tree is our Karaoke neighbors and they were terrified and stayed in their house. Right … there’s a fire in the tree that’s hanging over my house and I’m going to stay inside? No way!
Anyway, I’ll give a full account on my other site at some point later in the day. It was a bit of excitement that got the adrenaline pumping!