Does anyone else do work on the internet to make some extra cash? I do, but you know, sometimes I find that it’s a big waste of time. I love getting assignments and being able to do them when I want to. I can whip off a lot of work in an hour or two when I just sit down and do the work.
However, one of the companies that I do work for is basically first come first served and while I don’t sit here staring at the computer screen all day waiting for work, I do keep the site open from the time I get up, to the time I go to bed at night, watching and waiting for good opportunities to come up. The work I do for that company, when I get work, amounts to maybe an hour or two worths a day, but when you add up all the time throughout the day that I glance at the site hoping something will come up well … I waste an awful lot of time on it!
Yep, I love my reserved work, and of course the money I make just by putting code up on my sites such as for Google Adsense. Speaking of Adsense, I should put some on this site too I think.
I am hoping to get to that point someday. Instead, for now, I am confined to refreshing my screen, waiting for opportunity to arrive.