Wow. We just found out that one of our friends got a big fine for using a radar detector in his car.
They are not legal here in Canada. I think they’re legal in either all or some US States but as far as I know they aren’t legal here in Canada and I now know that you can get a really big fine if you’re caught using one!
I don’t feel all that sorry for our friend. He’s always speeding and a bit of a reckless driver at that. Hopefully now that he can’t use his radar detector he’ll slow down a bit and be more careful.
How do you feel about Radar detectors? Do you use one?
I don’t use a radar detector though they are legal here. Haven’t had a speeding ticket in years, All mine are for no seatbelt, 3 in the last two years.
I don’t care about drivers who got Radar detectors in the car.
I’m more concern with drivers who got beer in their bellies.